When you are in the process of starting a business, besides deciding on financing, market research, business location and more, you also have to attend to mundane matters like choosing the right furniture for your office.
While this might not be on the top of your must-do list, it is something that you have to devote some time to. Getting the right office furniture might not make or break your business, but it's still important when it comes to comfort, productivity and the image you will project to your clients.
For a small business office, here are the absolute essentials:
~ Furniture: At a minimum, you will need desks, chairs, tables and bookcases or shelves. Remember that the furniture you choose will project the image of your business. Whether you go in for new furniture or buy used stuff, it should look professional. Go in for a coordinated look and a simple color scheme throughout. A simple, tasteful design can be very appealing to clients who visit your office on a regular basis.
Most importantly, look for furniture that is comfortable and suited to working on for at least eight hours a day.
Telephone System: This is one item that you surely cannot do without! But carefully consider your specific needs before purchasing a telephone system. A phone isn't a simple phone anymore. There are so many systems available in the market with advanced features designed to confuse. Consider for example, whether an answering machine will suffice or if you need a voice mail service.
Make a list of what you would need to handle your day-to-day communication needs. Buy the absolute minimum at the outset; you can always add on as your business grows.
Computer Equipment: Just about every business today has a computer that handles a variety of tasks from accounting to human resource management. There are a host of software programs available that will help you with accounting, billing, creating financial projections, writing letters, creating graphics and drawings and email!
Research what is available, and shop wisely. Again, you can always add on or upgrade as your business demands change.
Copiers: You could either lease a copy machine or buy one. But before spending money on a copier, see if a multifunction printer that can print and make copies can do the job instead. If you still feel that your business needs a stand alone copier, go for the lease option. This way you can check out product quality and service beforehand. You can then choose to buy it.
Fax Machines: Most PCs have fax features these days and many businesses rely on them for transmitting documents. It is nearly impossible to find a business that does not need a fax at some time or the other. Some businesses use stand-alone instruments while others fax via software and modem built-into their PC. Whatever method you choose, research the options available and make a wise decision.
With this basic equipment in place, you can get your business off to a good start. As your business grows, you will need to add on to what you already have. These tips should come in handy at all times.
Hi, I'm Akhil Shahani, a serial entrepreneur who wants to help you succeed. If you like to work smart, check out http://www.SmartEntrepreneur.net It's full of articles and resources to help you start and grow your business successfully. Please visit us & download our special "Freebie of The Month" at http://www.smartentrepreneur.net/freebie-of-the-month.html
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